Electromagnetic Therapies
When I began Vega testing, I had been practicing other Bio-energetic modalities for several years, notably EAV and Syntonic Optometry. Syntonics is that branch of the health and visual sciences which utilizes the therapeutic effects of visible light frequencies. The term “syntonize” means to balance the tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Syntonics traces its roots to Harry Riley Spitler, M.S., Ph.D., D.O.S., N.D., M.D., founder of the College of Syntonic Optometry in 1933. His book, The Syntonic Principle, published by the college in 1941 still stands as a work of major importance in the field of phototherapy.
Vega testing essentially measures the body’s electromagnetic responses to electromagnetic stimuli. The surface of the body has points of differential sensitivity to electromagnetic stimuli. These points correspond closely to many of the classical acupuncture points of TCM and have been mapped extensively as points of electrical conductivity maxima by the EAV school. The eye is the primary sense organ specifically adapted to the absorption and transduction of electromagnetic oscillations (photons). Touch and hearing respond primarily to mechanical oscillations, while taste and smell respond to the chemical realm. Thus the eye can be understood as a highly advanced acupuncture point, where the skin embryologically develops the ability to specifically transmit and focus electromagnetic oscillations via the cornea and crystalline lens. In conjunction with this specialization of the embryonic ectoderm (skin), the neurectoderm (brain) develops an outpouching that forms the retina as the primary electromagnetic receiver of the body. Two-thirds of all electrical nerve current (action potentials) transmitted to the central nervous system in humans comes from the two retinae.
When a test ampule is placed in a circuit during the vegatest or VBK protocol, it is not necessary for any current to pass through the ampule for the body to respond to the ampule. Only radiant electromagnetic energy (photons) need to be emitted by the ampule and received by the body via an optically or electrically conductive media, such as a fiber optic or a wire. Electrons are known to absorb and emit photons. This occurs every time an electron shifts to a different orbital or when a chemical bond is formed or broken. In an electrical conductor, electrons move freely with respect to the matrix of atoms of the conductive substance, such as silver, copper, or aluminum. When these two properties of electrons are understood, it becomes obvious that electrons in the aluminum well of the Vegatest unit are continuously absorbing photons emitted by an ampule placed in the well. These electrons will then travel through the electrically conductive media of the wire, the hand electrode, and the body’s intracellular fluids. These electrons will travel down a concentration gradient, forming a wavefront of similarly energized electrons when a new ampule is placed in the well. The motion of this wavefront phenomenon will exceed the speed of transmission predicted by Brownian (thermal) motion alone due to the extra energy content of the photon absorbed by each electron. The photon may at any time be re-emitted and subsequently absorbed by another electron along its path. In the biological system, there are fewer free electrons, and electron transport occurs mostly by the motion of ions, which of course consist of a nucleus and an electron cloud with unbalanced electrical charges.
It is precisely the wavelength (frequency) and characteristic waveform of the photons received by the body during Vega testing that carries the specific information to which the body then responds. Research at the Hans Brügemann Institut in West Germany has demonstrated the correspondence between electrical oscillatory frequencies and homeopathic potencies. Matt Van Benshoten, O.M.D., C.A. of California has related photon frequencies (which are much higher than electron frequencies because of the damping effect of the mass of an electron) to homeopathic potencies using Dinshah’s color filters. These results are summarized in Table 1. Note that the biologically active photons emitted by homeopathic remedies are in the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Table: Energetic correspondence of Homeopathic Potency and Color with Electronic & Photonic oscillations
Potency Electron Frequency Color Photon Frequency
Tincture (0) 0-100 Hz Red 4.4 x 1014 Hz
3 X 100-250 Hz Orange 4.7 x 1014 Hz
6 X 250-500 Hz Yellow 5.1 x 1014 Hz
8-10 X 500-1,000 Hz
12 X 1,000-2,500 Hz Lemon 5.5 x 1014 Hz
15 X 2,500-5,000 Hz
30-60 X 5,000-10,000 Hz Green 5.8 x 10 14 Hz
100 X 10,000-25,000 Hz
200 X 25,000-50,000 Hz Turquoise 6.2 x 1014 Hz
400 X 50,000-100,000 Hz
1 M Blue 6.6 x 1014 Hz
10 M Indigo 6.9 x 1014 Hz
50 M Magenta*
CM Violet 7.3 x 1014 Hz
MM Scarlet*
10 MM Purple*
*Magenta, Scarlet, and Purple are produced by combinations of spectral colors, so a single representative frequency is difficult to assign. Their resonance with higher potencies may be related to higher harmonics of the visible frequencies transmitted by these filters. Note that color is a subjective (psychophysical) response of the organism, while electron and photon vibrations are objective. Homeopathic potency is objective, yet its importance lies in the field of biological response, which, like color, may vary both between individuals and over time.
Any frequency as represented in Table 1 may act as a carrier frequency for a given characteristic waveform, which determines the information content of the photon. Thus the message and the biological response to a given homeopathic potency (e.g. 30 X) depends upon the substance from which it was produced (e.g. Nux vomica versus Cinchona). There is, however, also a qualitative difference in the organism’s response to different frequencies (potencies) even though they are carrying the same information. Thus a higher frequency, which corresponds to more energetic photons, will affect a deeper and more lasting effect upon the organism. Research by Fritz Popp in Germany has shown that DNA is an extremely good resonator for the storage of photons. This is undoubtedly how miasmatic information is transferred across generations. His research shows a high level of DNA bio-photon interaction in both developmental and degenerative phases of the life cycle as compared to periods of relative biological stability.
Integrating photo-therapy with Vega testing has brought forth some interesting applications, which have applicability for other Vegatesters. When determining which photon frequency will be effective and tolerated as syntonic photo-therapy, there are a number of color filter testing options that may be utilized, each of which has its own significance and interpretation.
Behavioral Vega testing is the most direct means to answer the clinical questions of tolerance and effectiveness of a proposed therapy. In behavioral Vega testing, the actual therapeutic stimulation is set up and testing is performed simultaneously. The duration of each treatment and frequency of sessions can easily be determined in this way, as well. While this is the most direct and precise method of testing, it is also the most cumbersome clinically. It should however be kept in mind as an important testing alternative. Behavioral testing can easily be applied to other electromagnetic and mental therapies such as MORA, Magnetosette, Rife frequencies, Indumed, therapeutic touch, visualization, affirmation, yoga postures, etc.
In electromagnetic frequency therapies, the frequency may be tested by directing it into one of the wells of the Vegatest unit. This may be done with test vials containing color filter material, or by irradiating and then succussing a vial of alcohol and water. The irradiated sample method works well for testing oscillations such as VDT, color television, sunlight, Ott Light Systems, Vitalight, Neodymium bulbs, standard fluorescent (warm and cool white), and incandescent light. The filter sample method works well for color phototherapies such as Vegalux, Dinshah tonations, MORA Color, Lumatron, and Syntonics. I prefer behavioral testing for specific individualized settings on such instruments as the MORA and Magnetosette, although samples treated with a range of frequencies on the Magnetosette are useful as a starting point.
Color filters may be interposed between a sample and the test well in order to isolate the harmonic frequencies of that substance which are effective and tolerated. For example, you are testing a Chinese herb combination that you would like to use with the patient and you find it is tolerated but not effective. Placing a Lemon filter under the bottle results in both tolerance and effectiveness. You thus prepare a 12 X homeopathic potency of the remedy to dispense to the patient. In my practice, I use the color filters in this way, together with the Injeel forté test set from BHI when I need to test a homeopathic remedy that I do not have in stock.
Occasionally, I utilize a color filter box that fits over the entire Vegatest well, to illuminate a remedy with that frequency. Specific energizing of a remedy can increase its effectiveness. If this is found to be the case, specific phototherapy with that frequency would be given in coordination with the dosing of the remedy. The total blood volume of the body passes through the eyes in less than 40 minutes, and only in the eyes is the blood exposed directly to the full visible spectrum of electromagnetic quantum energies. Because each mineral, vitamin, hormone, enzyme, and toxin has a unique electron configuration, it has a unique signature in the electromagnetic spectrum. This is how we identify an unknown chemical in the organic chemistry lab, the minerals in a hair sample, or the composition of a distant star. Our own sun’s light, when viewed through a prism to separate the various frequencies, is seen to have black bands, called Fraunhofer lines, which are especially prominent for Hydrogen, Calcium, and Sodium. This is because of the prominence of those minerals in the sun’s atmosphere. The black absorption bands are precisely the same frequencies that those substances will emit when energized, such as the well-known sodium D line. This is the emission/absorption spectrum of each substance, which represents those specific quanta of photon energy that the electrons of that substance can interact with by changing orbitals (energy levels). By energizing the electrons of Zinc, for example, with Turquoise light, the biological activity of a Zinc atom is increased several hundred percent instantaneously. According to Nobel prize winner, Albert Szent-Gyorgi, enzyme activity levels are specifically increased and decreased by the color of light with which they are illuminated. He has found that vitamins and hormones are similarly affected by color. Ultimately, even solid matter is, as another Nobel Laureate, physicist David Bohm, put it: “frozen light.” Of course, it is the light that is active as photons that is the most dynamic, including in the biological system.
Color & Light
Color and light are intimately related to electromagnetic stress. The visible octave of the electromagnetic spectrum is the one to which we are most sensitive. Our ability to receive appropriate light information and energy stimuli from our environment is a key factor in the regulation of every cell in the body.
Melatonin, the hormone produced by the pineal in response to the light-dark cycle, goes to every cell in the body. When regulated properly by environmental light, it is the most potent force known for longevity and the prevention of cancer. Misregulated, it can actually promote cancer.
Color has been shown to shift the balance of the autonomic nervous system, which innervates every organ in the body. This dual control system consists of the parasympathetic division and the sympathetic division. This system can become imbalanced by environmental stimuli such as EMF, artificial light, and other stressors.
The individual can also adapt to acute and chronic stresses in an attempt to maintain homeostasis. This embedded adaptation is another major cause of imbalance because it interferes with the ability to respond optimally even to a stress-free environment.
Note the types of dysfunctions that are produced by imbalances in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems as listed in Tables 1 and 2. The first table shows symptoms related to the overactivity of the parasympathetic nervous system. The second shows symptoms of overactivity in the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system.
Symptoms of Autonomic Imbalance
(Spitler, H.R., The Syntonic Principle, (Lancaster, PA: Science Press,1941))
Table 1. Parasympatheticotonia
Some of the symptoms of relative parasympathetic, anabolic
- overactivity are: small pupils
- wide-eyed
- one eye may turn inward
- eye strain with nausea and headache
- migraine
- tearing
- puffy, droopy upper eyelid
- low pressure in the eyes, but also glaucoma
- congestion of sinuses, mucous membranes, bronchi
- hay fever
- excess salivation
- excess hunger
- excess secretion and motility of intestinal tract (hyperchlorhydria, pain, spastic constipation, diarrhea, incontinence)
- enuresis, cystitis, irritable bladder
- slow heart rate
- low blood pressure
- low blood sugar, but also diabetes
- lack of sweating, eczema, urticaria
- rheumatoid arthritis
- low respiration rate
- asthma, spasmodic laryngitis, croup
- hypothyroid
- excess activity of parathyroids, adrenal cortex, stomach, liver,
- pancreas, spleen, intestines.
Table 2.Sympatheticotonia
Some symptoms of relative sympathetic catabolic overactivity
- include: large pupils
- protruding eyeballs
- retinal bleeding
- dry eyes
- upper eyelid raised
- high eye pressure
- poor visual focusing
- eye turns outward
- difficulty concentrating on close work
- dry nose and throat
- dry mouth
- stops secretion, movement, and digestion in the gastrointestinal tract
- catarrhal gastritis, gastric ulcer
- typical (atonic) constipation due to decreased peristalsis
- fast pulse
- high blood pressure even before arteriosclerosis
- angina pectoris, myocarditis
- high blood sugar
- goosebumps and cold sweaty skin
- increased internal body heat
- perspiration from palms, soles, underarms
- decreased urination, dysuria
- dysmenorrhea
- uterine cramps
- excess activity of thyroid, adrenal medulla, pituitary, gonads, muscles.
Table 3. Stress-Related Diseases
(Andrew, R.J., Beyond Disease, The Energy Economics of Preventive Health, (Reno, NV: Earthly Promotions, 1983))
Some of the conditions known to be strongly stress-related are:
- Accidents
- Addiction (e.g. nicotine, caffeine, sugar)
- Alcoholism
- Allergies
- Anti-social behavior
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Back pain
- Cancer
- Chronic viral syndromes
- Constipation
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Drug abuse
- Eating disorders (Anorexia, Bulemia, etc.)
- Frequent infections
- Glaucoma
- Headache
- Heart attack; Attack
- Hypertension
- Hypoglycemia
- Indigestion
- Most chronic conditions
- Muscle cramps and tension
- Obesity
- Psychoses
- TMJ problems
- Ulcers
- Vision problems
Table 3 lists some of the most common stress-related diseases. It is estimated that 85% of all disease is related to stress as one of the principal triggers. Table 4 outlines the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum which we call light, from ultraviolet to visible light through infrared, along with new interferences now present within those frequency ranges.
Table 4. Electromagnetic Frequency Spectrum
Frequency Range: 10^17 Hz
Nature’s Symphony: ionizing ultraviolet, molecules
Cacaphony of new uses: increasing due to ozone depletion
Frequency Range: 10^16 Hz
Nature’s Symphony: non-ionizing ultraviolet, macromolecules (protein, enzymes, viruses, DNA)
Cacaphony of new uses: deficient in artificial lighting, absorbed by window glass and eyeglass lenses
Frequency Range: 10^15 Hz
Nature’s Symphony: near UV, bacteria
Cacaphony of new uses: deficient in artificial lighting
Frequency Range: 10^14 Hz
Nature’s Symphony: visible light spectrum, the temperature of the sun, cellular resonances
Cacaphony of new uses: distorted in artificial lighting, with deficiencies and excesses in specific frequency ranges
Frequency Range: 10^13 Hz
Nature’s Symphony: infra-red (heat), fungi, water
Cacaphony of new uses: EHF: millimeter-wave communications, heat sources
An Integrated Approach to Color Therapy
A complete set of 12 color filter combinations is available for those wishing to practice this art for themselves or as an adjunct to their practice. Another available format is a set of 9 color therapy glasses and 7 clip-ons. (Note: These are no longer available) Green can also be used as a sunglass. Other colors are recommended for use 20 minutes once or twice a day outdoors (e.g. walking, reading, playing), by a window, or in full spectrum indoor lighting. Warm colors are often used early in the day, while cool colors are often used before bed. Several forms of color therapy in use at Remission Foundation are described here.
To find out which color or combination of colors is most safe and effective for you to use in self-treatment at any given time, contact Remission Foundation for a Biofield Analysis test kit. This will give you all the materials we need to evaluate your responses to the various color frequencies, as well as to a broad array of nutrients, foods, herbs, homeopathic remedies, and other potential nutritional and energetic support modalities. You will get a report describing your major stress factors and how they can be supported or eliminated at this time.
The purpose of this method is to help you eliminate enough stressors and receive enough support for your physiological priorities, that you can accomplish the completion of your top priorities at this time. Your system will then be free to identify and prioritize its next set of goals to bring you closer to balanced and optimal health and performance.
Do be sure to specify in your cover letter to Remission Foundation that you specifically are interested in any information on your responses to color and light, as there are so many areas covered in this approach. Otherwise, we will simply follow our normal testing protocol which will not always lead in the direction of color therapy.
It is important, also, to realize ahead of time that we may find either that color is not an effective modality for your present situation, that you need to combine color with other methods, or that your system is so toxic that light stimulation would actually be contra-indicated at this time, until preliminary detoxification relieves the burden on important intra-cellular photo-electric transport systems, especially in the mitochondria.
Syntonics is the optometric use of color through the eyes to improve visual health and fitness. If you experience problems with your eyes or vision that are not solved by the usual means, this is an excellent visual therapy to turn to. These frequently misunderstood problems often relate to poor or distorted ability to effectively receive the colors of the electromagnetic spectrum. Referral to the nearest qualified practitioner is available by writing to the College of Syntonic Optometry.
If this therapy is not yet available in your area, locate the nearest behavioral optometrist for more traditional approaches to vision therapy through the Optometric Extension Program Foundation International (Optometric Extension Program Foundation International, 2912 South Daimler Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705-5811, phone 714-250-8070) or the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (Dr. Robert Wold, Secretary, College of Optometrists in Vision Development, 353 H. Street, Suite C, Chula Vista, CA 92010).
The traditional vision therapy approaches have been shown to enhance color receptivity and discrimination when approached as a learning process rather than an exercise (Swartwout, J.B. and Swartwout, G.M., Color Perception Changes Following Vision Therapy, in Procedings of the 1988 Northeast Vision Conference (Lebanon, OR: Caryl Croisant, 1988). Eye exercise per se has been associated in the research more with actual decreases in light receptivity and integration.
Because vision is the dominant sense for humans, and because it is also our most sensitive electromagnetic reception system, increased development and flexibility of this system through Vision Therapy or Vision Fitness programs reduces the total electromagnetic stress (Swartwout, J.B., Optometric Vision Therapy, Introduction to Behavioral Optometry, (Santa Ana, CA: Optometric Extension Program Foundation, 1977); Swartwout, G.M., Vision Improvement audiotape, and materials, (Remission Foundation, 1991)). Vision Fitness programs are available through Remission Foundation.
Neurosensory Development is a method of color therapy utilizing the Lumatron instrument developed by Dr. John Downing. More information on instruments and practitioner certification is available through Remission Foundation or the Downing Institute (Downing TechniquePractitioner Certification Training Manual, San Francisco, CA: Downing Institute, 1989).
Spectro-chrome is a system of color therapy in which the color is applied to the body rather than to the eyes. Magenta is often indicated on the body in cases of electromagnetic stress. It is especially beneficial over the chest and low back. It helps the body to minimize the circulatory effects of electromagnetic stress.
Color Therapy Eyewear is available in the form of clip-ons to wear over eyeglasses as well as several styles of glasses. The colors available are:
- Red
- Orange
- Yellow
- Green
- Blue-Green (glasses only)
- Blue
- Indigo
- Violet
- Magenta (glasses only)
- Yellow-Green (Lemon) is produced in the Color Therapy Eyewear system by combining a clip-on with glasses, one being yellow, the other green.
- Purple and Scarlet (Ruby) are not efficiently accessed with this system.
Bathe Your Body in Water Colors
Hydrotherapy tubs are now available with built-in color therapy. Colors can be set to rotate through the spectrum, or set at a particular therapeutic color. One such unit is the HydroSpa, manufactured in Australia, using Japanese technology. As with most color therapy instruments, the colors are most effective in a completely dark room.
Avoid extensive use of yellow and orange as they can often be too stimulating, leading to an increase in inflammatory symptoms.
Environmental Lighting
Dr. John Ott has developed state-of-the-art full spectrum lighting which simulates a solar spectrum. These lights are specifically designed to eliminate the electromagnetic stress caused by the imbalanced visible spectrum emitted by all standard incandescent and fluorescent lights. They also eliminate harmful frequencies outside the visible octave, by special built-in shielding and grounding (Facts of Light, Santa Barbara, CA: Ott Light Systems, 1988).
If you can’t get Ott lights, you may be able to install your own shielding, using chicken wire over the whole fixture and lead tape over the starters at the ends of the bulbs, and then grounding all of this. The one limitation with most fluorescent lights (but not the Ott lights) is that the light emitted is still going on and off at 60 Hz. Because flickering light like this uses more nutrients in the retina, people with light sensitivity problems may still experience symptoms. Another support is then certainly needed.
Another alternative for better indoor lighting is various balanced spectrum incandescent bulbs. Some of these (e.g. Chromalux) use a purplish Neodymium coating inside the bulb (deficient in the yellow-green ranges), while others appear slightly blue. These lights do not contain the ultraviolet portion of the full solar spectrum, nor are they energy efficient. They do present a more balanced visible spectrum of light (compared to standard incandescents and fluorescents) for reduced electromagnetic stress, however.
Table 5 outlines some of the specific physiological effects of various colors on the 5 body systems. The 5 body system model, developed by the author, is a systematic way of understanding the body’s functional systems in a unified way without oversimplification. It is based on embryological tissue layers, after the observations of the famous 20th-century European homeopath Dr. Reckeweg. Because it is a simpler model than Reckewegs, it finds broader application as both an introductory level model for clinicians, as well as a useful model for the general public to understand and regulate their own health maintenance.
System 1, Flow, involves the deepest tissue layer, which produces the urogenital system and the muscles. System 2, Support, involves all of the connective tissues, which includes the cardiovascular system, the immune system, and the skeletal system.
Table 5. Specific Effects of Colors
System 1 System 2 System 3 System 4 System 5
Color Flow Support Process Communicate Integrity
Ruby Kidney +
Reproduction +
Menses + Arteries +
Blood Pressure +
Heart + Emotions +
Adrenal + RedBlood ++ Liver ++ Senses ++ Skin ++
Elimination ++
Orange Muscles — Stomach ++
Lung ++ Thyroid ++
Parathyroid –
Yellow Muscles ++ Lymph ++
Spleen – Digest ++
Eliminate + Nerves ++
Yellow Green Circulation ++
Bones + Eliminate + Brain +
Thymus + Eliminate ++
Green Muscles + Brain •
Pituitary +/• Antibiotic +
Blue Green Brain – Skin +
Burn repair +
Blue Pineal + Perspire +
Inflame –
Indigo Phagocytes + Respiration – Parathyroid +
Thyroid –
Brain —
Secretion —
Violet Muscles + Heart –
Lymph –
Spleen ++
Leukocytes ++ Pancreas – Brain –
Nerves –
Purple Kidney –
Reproduction –Veins +
Blood pressure –
Fever – Adrenal –
Sleep +
Emotions –
Magenta Kidney •/+
Reproduction •/+Heart •/+
Blood •/+ Emotions •
Adrenals •/+
Symbol Effect
++ strongly stimulates
+ stimulates
• balances
– depresses
— strongly depresses
Table 6. Energy symptom repertory
Energy Symptom Color Effect
abcess indigo antipyic
abrasion blue demulcent
acute symptoms blue green acute alterative
adrenal deficiency ruby adrenal stimulant
adrenal excess purple adrenal depressant
adrenal imbalance magenta cardiovascular balancer
anemia red hemoglobic
arterial deficiency ruby general stimulant
bile deficiency yellow digestant
biofield deficiency magenta biofield balancer
blood clots yellow green chronic alterative
blood pressure excess purple vasodilator, kidney & heart depressant
blood pressure low ruby vasoconstrictor, heart, kidney and adrenal stimulant
bone weakness orange bone builder
bowel gas orange carminative
bone deficiency yellow green bone builder
brain deficiency yellow green brain stimulant
brain excess blue mild sedative
brain imbalances green brain equilabrator
brain overstimulation blue green brain depressant
burns on skin blue green antipyrotic
calcium deficiency orange bone builder
childbirth ruby ecbolic
chronic symptoms yellow green chronic alterative
cognition deficiency yellow green brain stimulant
congestion orange decongestant
constipation yellow cathartic
constipation yellow green mild laxative
cool color excess yellow green equilibrator
cramps orange antispasmodic
decay green germicide
depression yellow liver stimulant
discharge excess indigo astringent
dry cough purple lung depressant
emotion deficiency ruby emotional stimulant
emotional excess purple emotion depressant
emotional imbalance magenta emotional equilabrator
excitement excess indigo sedative
fever blue febrifuge
fever purple antipyretic
flatulence orange carminative
gas, intestinal orange carminative
gas pains orange carminative
genital deficiency ruby aphrodisiac
genital system magenta cardiovascular balancer
genital system excess purple anaphrodisiac
heart activity excess violet muscle depressant
heart imbalance magenta cardiovascular balancer
hemorrhage indigo hemostatic
hyperactivity, acute indigo sedative
hyperactivity, chronic red sensory stimulant
hyperthyroid indigo thyroid depressant
hypochlorhydria yellow digestant
hypochlorhydria orange stomachic
hypo-function orange tissue stimulant
hypothyroid orange thyroid builder and stimulant
hyperparathyroid orange parathyroid depressant
immune deficiency yellow green thymus builder
infection green germicide
infection indigo immune stimulant
inflammation blue antiphlogistic
insomnia purple soporific
intestinal gas orange carminative
intestinal tract deficiency yellow digestant
irritation of skin blue demulcent
itching blue antipruritic
kidney deficiency ruby kidney stimulant
kidney excess purple kidney depressant
kidney imbalance magenta cardiovascular balancer
lax tissue indigo astringent
leucocyte deficiency violet immune stimulant
liver weakness red hepatogogue
lung hemorrhage purple lung depressant
lung weakness orange respiratory stimulant
lymphatic congestion yellow mild tissue stimulant
lymph gland excess violet lymph depressant
maldigestion yellow digestant, cholegogue
menstrual deficiency ruby emmenagogue
milk production excess indigo antigalactic
milk production too low orange galactagogue
mucus yellow green expectorant
muscle activity excess violet muscle depressant
muscle deficiency green tissue rebuilder
muscle spasms orange antispasmodic
muscle tone deficiency yellow nerve builder
nausea indigo antiemetic
nervous system excess violet tranquilizer
osteoporosis orange bone builder
pain purple anesthetic
pancreas deficiency yellow digestant
pancreas excess violet pancreas depressant
parasites yellow anthelmintic
parathyroid deficiency indigo parathyroid stimulant
pathogenic germs green germicide
perspiration deficiency blue diaphoretic
phagocyte deficiency indigo immune stimulant
physical imbalances green physical equilabrator
pineal deficiency blue pineal stimulant
pituitary deficiency green pituitary stimulant
pituitary imbalance green pituitary equilabrator
recurrent fevers purple antimalarial
respiratory excess indigo respiratory depressant
rickets orange bone builder
secretion excess indigo astringent
sensory deficiency yellow nerve builder
sexual deficiency ruby aphrodisiac
sexual excess purple anaphrodisiac
skin detoxification red irritant, pustulant
spleen deficiency violet spleen stimulant
spleen excess yellow spleen depressant
suffering indigo sedative
sun burn red high frequency antidote
tissue deficiency green tissue rebuilder
twitches orange antispasmodic
ultra-violet burn red high frequency antidotevascular imbalance magenta cardiovascular balancer
veinous deficiency purple vein stimulant
vitality deficiency blue pineal stimulant
vomiting (to assist) orange emetic
warm color excess blue green equilabrator
worms yellow anthelmintic
x-ray burn red high frequency antidote
Table 7. Energy symptom materia medica by color
Energy Symptom Color Effect
anemia red hemoglobic
hyperactivity, chronic red sensory stimulant
liver weakness red hepatogogue
skin detoxification red irritant, pustulant
sun burn red high frequency antidote
ultra-violet burn red high frequency antidote
x-ray burn red high frequency antidote
bone weakness orange bone builder
bowel gas orange carminative
congestion orange decongestant
cramps orange antispasmodic
flatulence orange carminative
gas, intestinal orange carminative
gas pains orange carminative
hypochlorhydria orange stomachic
hypo-function orange tissue stimulant
hypothyroid orange thyroid builder and stimulant
hyperparathyroid orange parathyroid depressant
intestinal gas orange carminative
lung weakness orange respiratory stimulant
milk production too low orange galactagogue
muscle spasms orange antispasmodic
osteoporosis orange bone builder
rickets orange bone builder
twitches orange antispasmodic
vomiting (to assist) orange emetic
calcium deficiency orange bone builder
bile deficiency yellow digestant
constipation yellow cathartic
depression yellow liver stimulant
hypochlorhydria yellow digestant
intestinal tract deficiency yellow digestant
lymphatic congestion yellow mild tissue stimulant
maldigestion yellow digestant, cholegogue
muscle tone deficiency yellow nerve builder
pancreas deficiency yellow digestant
parasites yellow anthelmintic
sensory deficiency yellow nerve builder
spleen excess yellow spleen depressant
worms yellow anthelmintic
blood clots yellow green chronic alterative
bone deficiency yellow green bone builder
brain deficiency yellow green brain stimulant
chronic symptoms yellow green chronic alterative
cognition deficiency yellow green brain stimulant
constipation yellow green mild laxative
cool color excess yellow green equilibrator
immune deficiency yellow green thymus builder
mucus yellow green expectorant
brain imbalances green brain equilabrator
decay green germicide
infection green germicide
muscle deficiency green tissue rebuilder
pathogenic germs green germicide
physical imbalances green physical equilabrator
pituitary deficiency green pituitary stimulant
pituitary imbalance green pituitary equilabrator
tissue deficiency green tissue rebuilder
acute symptoms blue green acute alterative
brain overstimulation blue green brain depressant
burns on skin blue green antipyrotic
warm color excess blue green equilabrator
abrasion blue demulcent
brain excess blue mild sedative
fever blue febrifuge
inflammation blue antiphlogistic
irritation of skin blue demulcent
itching blue antipruritic
parathyroid deficiency indigo parathyroid stimulant
perspiration deficiency blue diaphoretic
pineal deficiency blue pineal stimulant
vitality deficiency blue pineal stimulant
abcess indigo antipyic
discharge excess indigo astringent
excitement excess indigo sedative
hemorrhage indigo hemostatic
hyperactivity, acute indigo sedative
hyperthyroid indigo thyroid depressant
infection indigo immune stimulant
lax tissue indigo astringent
milk production excess indigo antigalactic
nausea indigo antiemetic
respiratory excess indigo respiratory depressant
phagocyte deficiency indigo immune stimulant
secretion excess indigo astringent
suffering indigo sedative
heart activity excess violet muscle depressant
leucocyte deficiency violet immune stimulant
lymph gland excess violet lymph depressant
muscle activity excess violet muscle depressant
nervous system excess violet tranquilizer
pancreas excess violet pancreas depressant
spleen deficiency violet spleen stimulant
adrenal excess purple adrenal depressant
blood pressure excess purple vasodilator, kidney & heart depressant
dry cough purple lung depressant
emotional excess purple emotion depressant
fever purple antipyretic
genital system excess purple anaphrodisiac
insomnia purple soporific
kidney excess purple kidney depressant
lung hemorrhage purple lung depressant
pain purple anesthetic
recurrent fevers purple antimalarial
sexual excess purple anaphrodisiac
veinous deficiency purple vein stimulant
adrenal imbalance magenta cardiovascular balancer
biofield deficiency magenta biofield balancer
emotional imbalance magenta emotional equilabrator
genital system magenta cardiovascular balancer
heart imbalance magenta cardiovascular balancer
kidney imbalance magenta cardiovascular balancer
vascular imbalance magenta cardiovascular balancer
adrenal deficiency ruby adrenal stimulant
arterial deficiency ruby general stimulant
blood pressure low ruby vasoconstrictor, heart, kidney and adrenal stimulant
childbirth ruby ecbolic
emotion deficiency ruby emotional stimulant
genital deficiency ruby aphrodisiac
kidney deficiency ruby kidney stimulant
menstrual deficiency ruby emmenagogue
sexual deficiency ruby aphrodisiac
Color & Light Stress
Night lights, flashlights, and the use of lighting other than red light during the night disrupt the normal function of the biological clock, suppress the pineal gland, and its hormone melatonin which is the only hormone that regulates every cell in the body. You should use a red filter over any night light or flashlight and avoid turning on or leaving on any lights to eliminate this suppression of pineal function. The normal pineal function is strongly linked to normal maturation and longevity, while pineal suppression is linked to early maturation and degeneration, including cancer.
TV is a major source of both electromagnetic stress and light stress. Time Magazine recommends sitting “at least 10 feet from the television set.” Also, by reducing the number of hours you watch per day, you decrease the chronicity of the exposure, and therefore, the associated risk goes down as well. Color television sets emit more EMF than do black and white sets, yet even the black and white t.v.s have been associated with 2.5 times the risk of leukemia among children (University of Southern California study of 464 children, February 1991).
A color television set, even unplugged, maintains a charge for at least 3 days. Don’t sit closer than 10 feet when watching, and limit your viewing time to less than 2 hours a day. The flicker of the light from the screen is in the alpha brain wave range. This is one of the main reasons that the “boob tube” is so named. By looking at a television picture we are automatically entrained or electromagnetically forced, into a relaxed, meditative, hypnotic, suggestible state. Also, old color TVs may emit x-rays.
Sunlight in excessive amounts can be received by those who spend many hours outdoors, especially near snow or water, in the tropics, or at high elevations. This not only causes sunburn but also predisposes to skin cancer and other tissue degeneration. The dark tans some people prize block the normal ability of the skin to produce vitamin D, essential to the absorption of Calcium. Much of the damage done is due to the presence of toxic or potentially toxic (phototoxic) synthetic or pharmaceutical compounds not belonging to the body.
The Ultraviolet (UV) part of the solar spectrum includes both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation splits up molecules directly when they absorb the high-energy photons or energy packets. Non-ionizing radiation, in contrast, can only do harm either by building up heat faster than the circulation can carry it away or by energizing toxic substances present in the body.
The retina in the eye can be most easily burned by heat build-up when looking directly at the sun because the macula or center part of the retina has no capillary circulation to efficiently remove excess heat. Sunbathers are 700% more likely to develop skin cancer by eating margarine versus butter. Synthetic chemicals which are not a normal part of human physiology become more toxic when they absorb light.
Ozone depletion is increasing the amount of UV in the sunlight reaching the surface of the earth. One theory is that this is caused by Chlorinated Fluorocarbons emitted by refrigeration plants, leaking refrigeration systems, and many spray cans. This means that in the future, excessive exposure to sunlight may be even more harmful than now.
The incidence of UV-related diseases like skin cancer and cataract may continue to rise. It could become even more important to maintain a truly healthy and clean body, eliminating those toxic and synthetic chemicals from the body which become even more detrimental when energized by the absorption of radiant light energy from the sun.
Ultraviolet light detectors are available. Many eye doctors have them in their offices to check the UV absorption of ophthalmic lenses. Some, like the UV Sensometer, are as simple as a card that fits into your wallet. If you use sunglasses, you should have one of these simple, inexpensive cards.
Normally, the pupil of the eye gets smaller in bright light, protecting the inside of the eye from excess UV exposure. Sunglass tints absorb visible light, so the pupil stays larger. If these same lenses do not absorb UV, that means the sunglasses have caused an increase in UV exposure to the delicate tissues of the eye!
Metal eyeglass frames are a common source of interference. The metal connection in these frames short circuits the brain’s hemispheres where a difference exists in the electrical potential of the two sides of the brain. This can contribute to mental confusion and fatigue as well as headaches for those with a strongly dominant hemisphere. It also strongly affects visual functions because most of the neocortex of the human visual system serves vision.
Most metal frames contain toxic metals such as Nickel, which can be leached out of the frame by electrolytic processes, contributing to allergic and toxic reactions.
Optical glass in ophthalmic (eyeglass) lenses may contain Uranium and Thorium, exposing the eye to ionizing radiation that can contribute to cataracts.
Eyeglass prescriptions affect the intensity and distribution of electromagnetic energy on the retina. The retina is specifically designed to receive light which is one octave of the electromagnetic spectrum. The retina is the primary sensory receptor of the body. Each retina has the capacity to send as much information and electromagnetic energy to the brain as all other sensory systems combined. This electromagnetic nerve current is transmitted in the form of waves of electrical action potentials.
Nerve current is what stimulates and regulates the brain and all of its functions. Since 70% of the body’s sensory receptors are located in the retinae of the two eyes, the total nerve current received by the brain is dramatically affected by your lens prescription. The lens prescription which minimizes electromagnetic stress on the retina and brain may not give the sharpest vision. Vision that is too sharp reduces the total information flow and increases stress (Effects of Low Plus Lenses on Reading and Physiological Indicators of Stress, Ph.D. thesis at Indiana University).
Match your activity cycle to the sun: Sunlight out of synchronicity with the biological clock’s rhythm becomes a major electromagnetic stress. This is a major problem for night and swing shift workers. It is also a major element of jet lag. Keeping a regular activity cycle each day is very helpful.
Color Perception
All but a few individuals labeled ‘color blind’ are actually color deficient. Color deficiency is most common among males and is a genetically linked inefficiency in the function, typically of the Red-Green discrimination system. The Blue-Yellow system is usually intact. The degree of dysfunction varies between individuals and can change for a given individual as well, based on clinical observations and studies.
Color discrimination was shown to increase in the course of behavioral optometric vision therapy, as measured on the Farnsworth D15 test (Swartwout, J. B., and Swartwout, G. M.© Improvements in Color Discrimination with Behavioral Optometric Vision Therapy as measured on the Farnsworth D-15 Hue Sequencing Test. Proceedings of the NorthEast Vision Conference, 1987). Many cases have been observed over the last 70 years in Syntonic Optometry where color deficiencies have improved with direct retinal color stimulation.
One patient I recall, after 60 years of color deficiency, noticed the yellow lines on the highway became much more vibrantly colored (almost orange, when he had thought them to be a dull yellow) during the course of his light therapy, and the following spring (in Vermont), he found himself experiencing color in with a richness, meaning and depth, as though for the first time. Greens were more green than ever.
For those with severe Red-Green deficiency, a red contact lens may be prescribed for wear on one eye, allowing the individual to learn to discriminate between red and green since red stimuli will maintain their brightness when viewed through the red lens. Green stimuli will appear darker through the lens than through the fellow eye, providing the opportunity to experience luster on green objects (and not on red ones).
The experience of luster, however, further demands that the two eyes be operating simultaneously and integrating through to the visual cortex level. About one out of three people have significant disruption of this binocular integration process and show varying degrees of suppression of one, or alternately each eye. In such an instance, I recommend fitting the red lens over the non-dominant (suppressing or ‘lazy’) eye. This utilizes red light’s stimulatory effect on neural and visual functions, as in the nascentizing (one eye red, the other blue) treatments in Syntonic Optometry.
Additional Reading
For further reading on color and light, the following books are recommended:
Dinshah, D., Let There Be Light, (Malaga, NJ: Dinshah Health Society, 1985).
Lieberman, J., Light, Medicine of the Future, (Santa Fe: Bear & Co., 1991).
Color: Frequency = Perception: Physics
Attraction = Comfort (stability) or Healing (change)
Frequency-Spectrum: Infra-Red, Vision-Spectrum, Ultra-Violet
Light-Source, Band-Pass-Filter (Broad/Narrow), Purity, Noise (light-environment: Color-Therapy-Eyewear)
Balance: Change = Center (Green): Periphery
Warm: Cool = Infra-Green: Ultra-Green
Gentle-Change (release) of the two-memory-systems:
Immune: Mind = Violet [violet-blood-cells] & Ruby (Scarlet) [womb]
Strong-Change: Indigo/Blue (relaxation) & Red/Red-Orange (stimulation)
Intense-Stimulation (Caution with any inflammation): Orange & Yellow
Gentle-Change & Balancing:
Acute: Chronic = Blue-Green: Yellow-Green
Phase-1: Violet
Phase-2: Ruby
Phase-3: Blue (Indigo)
Phase-4: Red (Red-Orange/Orange/Yellow)
Phase-5: Green (Blue-Green/Yellow-Green)
Chakras (Ayurveda):
1: Red
2: Orange
3: Yellow
4: Green
5: Blue
6: Indigo
7: Violet
5-Elements (TCM):
Fire: Red (Ruby/Orange) Cardiovascular/Endocrine/Small-
Earth: Yellow Stomach/Spleen
Wood: Green (Yellow-Green/ Liver/Gall-Bladder
Metal: White (Full-Spectrum) Lung/Large-Intestine
Water: Blue (Indigo/Violet/Black) Kidney/Bladder/Nerve/Bone
Timing: 20-60 minutes/session; 1-2 sessions/day; 15-20 sessions/series
As a neurologist when read part “Metal eyeglass …. Vision that is too sharp reduces the total information flow and increases stress ” can conculde that you are fraud or highly incompetent, if Im wrong give scientific evidence to this “theories” P.S read how retina cells transform signal and how they are interpeted by brain(going to your logic lensen blocks emf radiation? so you dont get melatonin stoping from blue light exposure in lenses? whats more lack of stimulation which glasses reduce in your “opinion” will cause for example amblyopia, but wait glasse prevent her.Metal frames really? mental confusion I get from reading this, I know you wrote is so long ago and now we have so many new knowledge in this topic, but such quackey should be deleted. “All but a few individuals labeled ‘color blind’ are actually color deficient.” Who give you diploma? maybe check studies about optic nerve red-green colors blindness. “Match your activity cycle to the sun: Sunlight out of synchronicity with the biological clock’s rhythm becomes a major electromagnetic stress. This is a major problem for night and swing shift workers. It is also a major element of jet lag.” another quackery check studies which concetrate at night owls and larks there is no health problems in night owls, there is so many simply false statement but wroting about all will take all night. In conclusion waiting for your reference to scientific sources.
- doctorglen
Aloha Darius (Darek), Thanks for taking the time to share your response to this article. Do I understand correctly from your opening statement that you are a Neurologist? I am honored to help you understand some of the points that you reference better…
- 1. Perceived image size
- In the psychophysics of visual perception, there is a phenomonon known as SILO (short for Small-In, Large-Out), where an image of constant radial dimensions on the retina is perceived as smaller, when it is binocularly projected as being closer to the observer, and larger when projected further away. Another influence on perceived image size is, of course the magnification or minification effect of positive or negative power eyeglass lenses. Minification of the image with myopic prescriptions not only means increased intensity of the photonic stimulus on the retina (stressing visual discrimination functions), but also reduces the total range of eye movement when interacting with the same spatial environment. The lack of this effect in contact lenses is one of their potential advantages to consider in myopia control. Of course glasses have the advantage of being much easier to take off or use intermittently…
- Now, when we study perceptual responses to various lens powers, we find that there is another very interesting factor coming into play. Most young people will see a near (16″ reading distance) image as largest somewhere around a half diopter (diopter = inverse meter, so a half diopter lens has a focal length of 2 meters) more plus than the typical 20 foot (distance) Rx. Optically, the image continues to enlarge on the retina past that power, so the “Smaller” response to a +0.75 D lens compared to a +0.50 is definitely neuro-perceptual, not ocular/optical. It is also common for athletes to observe that both space and time dimensions appear to expand during times of peak performance, commonly referred to as ‘being in the zone.” Object appear larger, and slower moving, hence we interpret this phenomenon as an indicator of more optimal processing of the sensorium in space-time.
- Supporting this clinical notion is research on physiological measures of systemic stress, such as respiration rate and heart rate. These measures indicate that such a +0.50 D shift from the standard distance prescription for the average young person with normal visual function when performing a near point visual task such as reading actually reduces overall metabolic activity by approximately 10%. That is, of course, quite a lot.
- From a statistical and modeling perspective, it is quite significant to me that both of these observations of the +0.50 D ‘lag of accommodation’ as it is sometimes called in the research literature, at both far and near distances, is found to have a highly leptokurtic (precise) population distribution. That is a clear sign of a physiological normalization process at work. Otherwise, a normal distribution would be expected.
- I hope that helps understand more of the background on the ‘too sharp’ prescription concept. During decades of practicing based on this philosophy, which I put together through my training with my father, a pioneer in vision development, my undergraduate training at Dartmouth College, and my doctoral studies at the State University of New York, the prescriptions I wrote had a ‘redo’ rate of under 1% compared to an industry average of around 30%.
- Reply
Hello yes I’m neurologist and toxicologist (perform studies not treat people). First you only respond to fraction of my comment. “but also reduces the total range of eye movement when interacting with the same spatial environment.” can you provide reference to studies showing this effect. “It is also common for athletes to observe that both space and time dimensions appear to expand during times of peak performance, commonly referred to as ‘being in the zone.”” Here you must check information about that, for example runner have temporarily decreased grey matter in area which process vision. Of course decreased grey matter don’t necessary mean bad news (sometimes lower GM means better, more efficient brain processing), but in this case authors conclude “Thus, some of the decreases of GM volume in different brain areas can be discussed under the assumption of mental underload. For example, the bilateral occipitotemporal cortex (encompassing Brodmann’s Area (BA) 18, 19, 39 and 7) are well known to serve visual and visuospatial processing [33-35]. Therefore, one might assume that daily running on streets in straight lines may impose only little needs on detailed visual processing. This assumption might be supported by vertigo imaging studies, which have repetitively shown that the parietooccipital cortex is deactivated when visual acuity is not necessary [36].
“Supporting this clinical notion is research on physiological measures of systemic stress, such as respiration rate and heart rate. These measures indicate that such” again please provide source “near point visual task such as reading actually reduces overall metabolic activity by approximately 10%. That is, of course, quite a lot.” source please because I dont know how they perform this and 10% is not lot compared to far more slower metabolic by sitting 2h.
Also fraction of studies concentating at glasses
glasses prevent eye disaes like strabimus and amblyopia
Hyperopia correction increase reading speed
corrective lenses shows to prevent cognitive decline
there are many studies showing iincreases life quality due to corrective glasses.
When you answer me please please support this some evidence.
- doctorglen
I understand your frustration as a professional researcher, in trying to track down such research…
- I only answered the first part of your query due to time, so I apologize for the constraints on my end.
- My primary focus is as a healer, and retired clinician, and unfortunately do not have handy reference to all the studies I have heard of in 40 years of reading, seminars, etc.
- (I honestly wish I could, not just for you, but for my own interest, my books, etc.)
- So the best I can do is to share what wisdom I have gained, and my best recollection of directions to look.
- Many of the studies I have heard about would have been performed at least 20 years ago, and many optometric studies may not have necessarily been listed in pubmed…
- In holistic clinical work especially, much of the most useful research and practical problem solving wisdom can be outside the box of government and industry sponsored research and conventional peer review literature.
- Such is the case, for example, in live blood analysis with dark field and polarized light microscopy, where several pioneers independently developed their own taxonomy for similar observations, since they were not able to find acceptance of their unconventional methods in the peer review journals.
- A similar situation exists in energetic medicine, such as my favorite field of diagnostic electroacupuncture, and even extending into energetic cosmology, with plasma physicists as yet unable to break into mainstream gravitation centered thinking with their electric universe hypothesis.
- Again, I wish I could help you out more, but i will do what I can.
- On your topic of runners showing decreased grey matter in the visual cortex, I have not come across that before.
- What it brings to mind, however, is the common clinical observation that oculomotor abilities are found to be less well developed generally in track and field athletes compared to those excelling in ball sports, where the crucial visual target is more dynamic.
- A significant difference has also been observed between larger ball sport athletes (e.g. soccer, volleyball, basketball), versus small ball sports athletes (e.g. baseball).
- I don’t know if any of those studies would be in pubmed… sorry – but you get the picture, I hope!
- Reply
- doctorglen
Oh, yes. The 10% difference in systemic metabolic energy utilization was between subjects sitting and reading with and without +0.50 Diopter lenses…
- A significant and unanticipated difference considering they were all in the same posture and performing the same visual activity.
- It was unanticipated because it was a different lens power from that which simply “corrected” the subjects ametropia…
- Aloha
Im sorry but you saying that metal frames “The metal connection in these frames short circuits the brain’s hemispheres where a difference exists in the electrical potential of the two sides of the brain” this even going to logic is flawed, and claims that dont have any confirms in studies (because there is no such study) thanks to google searching studies is easy, so if you ever have such there should be no problem finding them, “and many optometric studies may not have necessarily been listed in pubmed…” you try say that such important information will not be listed?. “In holistic clinical work especially, much of the most useful research and practical problem solving wisdom can be outside the box of government and industry sponsored research and conventional peer review literature” yes the old arguments, I give you advice, go to hospital and look at toxicological data how many people go there from holistic treatment. Most of holistit “studies” are anegdotal evidence that it why they are not accepted, look at studies (80%) are simply false by errors and yet they are pass review, some of them are so simply stupid and by logic are nonsence but they pass review you know why? because they get some even small validity, so please dont tell me there is no proof because govements and industry hold them back. If we talk about industiers research, good example tobacco influence and yet money dont help them.
“Such is the case, for example, in live blood analysis with dark field and polarized light microscopy, where several pioneers independently developed their own taxonomy for similar observations, since they were not able to find acceptance of their unconventional methods in the peer review journals.” they dont get acceptance not by using this but rather for dubious claims, for example dark-field microscopy is a valid scientific tool however, live cell analysis is not, that is why they dont pass review. “A similar situation exists in energetic medicine, such as my favorite field of diagnostic electroacupuncture” there are many people who give money for research they only want one proof, now, I forgot name but there is organisation which give one milion$ if someone can prove they claims. “Eyeglass prescriptions affect the intensity and distribution of electromagnetic energy on the retina…..” again theory without scientific valid what more studies show opposite there is plenty studies waching at Eyeglass prescriptions and shows that glasses improves visual capabilities. “the total nerve current received by the brain is dramatically affected by your lens prescription” if this will be true we will see this in brain imaging studies “The 10% difference in systemic metabolic energy utilization was between subjects sitting and reading with and without +0.50” sorry but such study can be easily flawed if I dont see methodology then its only your claim. When you publish your theories you are obligated to support them with studies especially when they are so controversial.
- doctorglen
Like you, I would love to see good research on any of the controversial observations that I point out. I point them out because they are interesting observations shared mostly by other innovative clinicians doing exploratory clinical research in the search for answers in healing real patients with real problems.
- Clinical insights can be a great source of innovative directions for laboratory researchers to explore, though funding is not likely to be found through the usual channels, which is why these ideas lack further elucidation.
- Electrical potential differences exist in the body. Dr. Spitler first discovered that the greatest potential difference between major organs was between the liver and the brain. Normally, we would not expect a significant difference between the two hemispheres of the brain, but this could certainly occur in pathophysiological states. Just consider, for example, the electrically insulating effects of proteins that encase most tumors… or the electrical discharges of potential differences in the brain that are associated with seizure activity… Thus it is a matter of fundamental physics that a continuous conductive medium such as metal in contact with the skin at two locations with a relative electrical potential difference, will produce a microcurrent discharge between those two loci. The fact that one clinician observed such an effect to be clinically significant, even if for a single patient, means that there may be a population that could benefit from further research on this possibility. In fact, it is an easily testable theory. I merely offer it for contemplation and, hopefully, for further research. I am not obligated to fund and perform research in order to qualify to propose such a falsifiable theory. And if someone, say, gets migraine headaches (which are symptomatically associated with hemispheric asymmetry) when wearing their glasses, it would do no harm for them to consider the possibility that switching to a plastic frame from metal might make a difference.
- As far as your implication that holistic treatments result in toxicity, I notice that you have not followed your own advice in backing up your claim. I do know that no more than a handful of people have died from natural remedies in the last decade, and most of those are from poorly conceived weight loss formulas containing ephedra. In contrast, how do you explain away the millions that have died from pharmaceuticals according to epidemiological data published in the medical literature (JAMA, etc.)? Every time conventional medicine has gone on strike in modern times, the death rate has dropped. It is pharmaceutical drugs that are toxic, which is why they are regulated by law. Alternative Medicine is often the ONLY alternative that makes any sense. Thank God Integrative Medicine is now officially approved as a medical specialty. That is a giant step in the right direction, in my opinion.
- “Just say no to drugs.”
- Reply
Sorry for my break(work).
” The fact that one clinician observed such an effect to be clinically significant, even if for a single patient, means that there may be a population that could benefit from further research on this possibility. ” this is what I’m saying “anecdotal evidence” of course he can rule every other co-factors or placebo effects? I perform few times double blind studies and many people feel better after sugar pill in symptoms we checked. “Thus it is a matter of fundamental physics that a continuous conductive medium such as metal in contact with the skin at two locations with a relative electrical potential difference, will produce a microcurrent discharge between those two loci.” also matter of logic do you think that this can create such powerfull fields? about studies you know why we dont have? because such effect we will be see in EEG studies (the same about earrings). “And if someone, say, gets migraine headaches (which are symptomatically associated with hemispheric asymmetry) when wearing their glasses, it would do no harm for them to consider the possibility that switching to a plastic frame from metal might make a difference.” docs should look at reall reason of headache no what patient thinks because he go to doctors for that if you like so much reports of the clinicans I recently read one
“I recently had a patient come into my office for an adjustment. I noticed two tiny radio transistors wired to each temple. I asked the reason for the “hardware”. This was her answer. “according to my chiropractor, I have a problem with picking up radio waves and it’s affecting my vision.” Well, what could I say? I asked if I could possibly help her with the problem. I pulled off the transistors and used clear heat shrink tubing on the temples. I explained that if the problem was because the metal was to close to her head (her reasoning, not mine…) maybe the tubing would help and would look much better. I also told her that if it didn’t work, we could put the transistors back on the frame.
She agreed and I made the switch. She called me an hour later and told me she felt 100% better and I had “fixed” the problem. Needless to say, I now have a very loyal patient for life…..still scratching my head on that one”
“As far as your implication that holistic treatments result in toxicity, I notice that you have not followed your own advice in backing up your claim.” so maybe look at toxicology journals? there are plenty of reports for example
“In contrast, how do you explain away the millions that have died from pharmaceuticals according to epidemiological data published in the medical literature (JAMA, etc.)?” so you see that Industries funds studies and in this case you dont consier conflict of interest? who mostly wrote such reports? people selling “natural medicines”. How many people dies because dont get treatment only spening money to herbs which dont help?
“t is pharmaceutical drugs that are toxic, which is why they are regulated by law. Alternative Medicine is often the ONLY alternative that makes any sense. Thank God Integrative Medicine is now officially approved as a medical specialty. What I find funniest about the claims(same pattern)“big pharma is attempting to suppress effective natural alternatives to their prescription drugs” conspiracy, is that big pharma is heavily invested in herbal products and supplements and already makes many of them: is a giant step in the right direction, in my opinion.” you clearly fall to see what is toxin, first rule of toxicology the dose make poison and most of reports showing adverse effects of drugs wrote “deaths from conventional medicine mistakes,” if someone prescribe to high dose then of course en result be toxicity but the same apply to herbs, also people can balme themself good example hypertension medications, they should be taken only untill patient change life style (diet weight activity) but most of people prefer take pills than do something.
- doctorglen
The example articles you provide tell the story.
- The first article gives a single report of liver toxicity thought to have been a reaction to a botanical.
- None are given in the second or articles, as they are theoretical, at least in the abstract.
- The fourth article offers an overview of the statistics: “According to the 2006 American Association of Poison Control Center (AAPCC) data, there were a total of 972,073 exposures to pharmaceutical products resulting in adverse events, of which there were 6,809 major outcomes and 507 deaths [1]. Of these exposures, 76,364 (7.9%) were due to dietary supplements and vitamins, with 42 major outcomes (0.6% of all major outcomes) and only 3 deaths (0.6% of all deaths). Hence, serious adverse effects and death from these products are relatively uncommon. A review of hospital admissions in Hong Kong found only 0.2% of the cases were due to adverse reactions from herbal products [2]. A London unit had 5,536 enquiries on traditional medicines and food supplement exposures from 1983 to 1991, and only 12% of the patients were symptomatic [3]. Despite the prevalent use of these products, adverse outcome and death only arise occasionally. It is safe to conclude that in most instances, dietary supplements and herbal medicines are relatively harmless when used appropriately.” Source:
- In 30 years on the front line of natural healing, I have seen many people damaged by drugs or surgery, and even a couple by prolonged fasting that was not protein-sparing, but I do not recall a single one that was thought or claimed to have been injured by an herbal, nutritional or homeopathic medicine.
- Regarding supplements produced by Big Pharma, I have never seen anyone healed by taking mass market products like One-A-Day or Centrum. I did treat a young boy once whose severe photophobia turned out to be exacerbated by the artificial colorings in his chewable multivitamin.
- In clinical practice we source specialized remedies from around the world, mostly from companies that distribute their products only through physicians, and these are usually smaller companies focused more on quality and effectiveness than on marketing.
- Regarding dosage and toxicity, you will find that even water has an LD-50 (lethal dose) at which your lungs fill up with water and you drown.
- As with nearly every supplement, that level is very rarely reached, even when used without professional guidance or direct feedback from the body as we use.
- With drugs, in contrast, every side effect is a direct toxic effect. As one physician told one of my patients, “if you read all the side effects listed in the PDR, you wouldn’t take any drugs.”
- The funny thing is, that was his argument for taking the drug he was prescribing rather than getting educated about its potential toxicity effects…
- Most physicians wind up taking their own recommendations, and die at an average age of 58.
- Oncologists are the biggest exception, as 80-90% of them say they would not take the treatments they sell, though they still subscribe to the medical model generally, and die young like their colleagues…