“All substances are poisons, there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy.”
-Swiss physician and alchemist, Theophrastus Paracelsus
Homeopathy definition
- provings on healthy subjects
- whole symptom picture of the individual
- matching remedy picture to the individual via Law of Similars
Arnt-Schultz Law
- small doses stimulate (secondary reaction of vital force)
- medium doses irritate (direct primary effect)
- large doses destroy
Kohler’s 4 principles of medicinal action
- substitution
- compensation
- suppression
- regulation (relates to homeopathy)
Temporal classification of prescribing
- first aid
- acute
- chronic
Rules of classical homeopathy
- single remedy
- law of similars
- minimum dose
Acute disease definition
- rapid course, resolving in healing or death
- (chronic disease tend to persist and may be insidious)
Reason for using a single remedy
- no provings for combination (unpredictability)
- don’t know which remedy acted or whether it was a synergistic effect
Hering’s Rule: direction of healing
- inside out
- most important organ to least
- top-down
- reverse order of appearance
- is reversed by suppression
Center of Gravity definition
- the level on which the individual’s vital force is primarily focused:
- mental
- emotional
- physical
Hierarchy of Symptoms
- mental
- emotional
- physical
- general
- sensorial
- functional
- ultimate (lesional tissue changes)
Vithoulkas’ definition of health
- physical: freedom from pain; achieve comfort
- emotional: freedom from passions (uncontrolled emotion); achieve calmness, peace
- mental: freedom from selfishness, desire, anxiety; achieve clarity,
- creativity in contributing to the happiness of self and others
Categories of disease causes
- physical
- heat
- cold
- damp
- sun
- mechanical trauma
- nutritional
- deficiency
- excess
- environmental toxins
- personal toxic habits
- tobacco
- alcohol
- drugs
- poisonings
- microbes
- fungi
- bacteria
- viruses
- emotional trauma
- grief
- shock
- humiliation
- negative emotions
- hatred
- jealousy
- anger
- greed
- frustration due to blocked energy:
- spiritual
- sexual
- survival
Disease is
- the vital force untuned
- an expression of the vital force
- a stimulus for growth and change
- imbalance
- a symptom
- self-healing
Vital Force definition
- the energy field which allows us to function
- strength at conception
- the health of parents at conception
- mother’s mental, emotional, physical state during pregnancy and birth
Factors used to evaluate vital force
- family history
- severe illness
- early death
- insanity
- medical history
- stresses
- drugs
- vaccinations
- life stresses
- center of gravity of the presenting case
- strength and clarity of symptoms
Relationship of vital force and energy level of the patient can differ due to flu, stress, etc.
Layers definition
- Levels of susceptibility, sensitivity, or characteristics
- stress,
- trauma,
- grief,
- loss,
- jealousy,
- drugs,
- bad news,
- vaccination,
- severe infection,
- suppressed skin symptoms,
- overexertion,
- inherited
When to suspect a new layer
- marked change in symptoms and characteristics
What happens in a layer under major stress
- go deeper in pathology in the layer, or
- go to a new layer
Miasms definition
- an infectious type heritable layer
Are miasms a layer? yes
What type? infectious; heritable
Systems to remove a layer:
- Homeopathy
- spiritual experience/healing
- shock
- Syntonics
- Biofield balancing remedy program
- General symptoms: affect the whole person (“I . . .”)
- Particular symptoms: refer to a part (“My . . .”)
Categories of general symptoms
- all mental symptoms
- physical general symptoms
- constitutional type, tendencies, and pathology applying to the whole person
- ailments from emotions; suppressions
- restlessness, prostration, weakness, trembling, chill, fever
- general aggravations and ameliorations; weather; temperature
- sleep
- sex
- menses or other discharges
- food desires and aversions
- sensations in several parts of the body
- objective symptoms
Definitions of symptom types:
- Common
- common to a disease
- Characteristic
- keynotes: unusual; help to indicate similimum
- Repertory appropriate
- useful rubric in repertorisation, often containing about 15 to 30 remedies
- Pathognomonic
- characteristic of a disease; diagnostic
- Confirmatory
- symptoms typical of a suspected remedy elicited to confirm the remedy (usually characteristic symptoms)
- Eliminating
- strong physical generals used to contraindicate certain remedies (warm vs. chilly, e.g.)
- Complete (major areas to make it up)
- location; extension
- sensation; intensity
- modalities
- concomitant
- etiology
The most important factor in eliciting a good case:
- Ask “What else?” and attend with an attitude of receptive concentration
Classes of patients & the problems with each
- closed: don’t volunteer much information, especially beyond physical symptoms
- open: give too much information and need to be guided to stay on track
- hypochondriacal: exaggerate symptoms and give too muchdetailed medical history
- homeopaths: read materia medica and get swayed in their thinking
- important people: try to give orders and are uncooperative
- intellectuals: rationalize symptoms and interpret everything they experience
- knowledgeable about homeopathy: ideal, knowing what is most important to the process
List of physical observations of patient
- speech and voice
- state of mind (anxious, secretive, depressed, shy)
- color, complexion
- dress (neatness, cleanliness)
Dilemma of giving advice during a homeopathic consultation
- Want to begin advising the patient therapeutically but may lose vital information
Determining polarities (e.g. chilly or warm): rule in/out with specific questions
- suggest a range of possible answers
- Do you prefer water ice-cold, room temperature, or hot drinks?
- Do you feel chilly or warm generally?
Aconite 30c
- acute onset with FEAR, panic
- neurogenic shock, trauma
Ambrosia 30c
- HAYFEVER palliative
Antimonium tartaricum 30c
- BREATHING: deep rattling
APIS 30c
- ALLERGIC histamine reaction: red, swelling
- UTI; R. ovary pain
- angry, jealous rage
ARNICA 30c; 10M
- TRAUMA; neurogenic shock
Arsenicum alb. 30c
Belladonna 30c
- INFECTION, STREP. poisoning (red streak)
- hot, dry, red, febrile convulsions, insane rage
- HA throbbing, pounding; ear infection
- RABIES prevention
Bryonia 30c
- CHEST: pneumonia, pleuritis, cough hurts
- BURSITIS: worse motion (sticking, stitching pain)
- BABIES: fevers, constipation
- CHILDREN (constitutional): frustration, obstinacy
CANTHARIS 30c – usually 2 doses, 10 minutes apart.
- BURNS (especially second degree)
- BITES: intense burning, itch
- vaginitis, cystitis, urethritis
Carbo. veg. 30c
- hypovolemic SHOCK, bleeding, cyanosis, breathing
- allergic reaction, asthma, detox.
Causticum 30c
Chamomilla 30c
- PAIN with no objective signs (ear infection)
- restless, nervous, sleepless children; anger
Cimicifuga 30c
Cocculus 30c
Colocynthis 30c
- ABDOMINAL PAIN: bending double
Eupatorium perf. 30c
Euphrasia 30c
Ferrum Phos. 30c
- blood, anemia
Gelsemium 30c
- INFLUENZA: tired, heavy, lethargic, aches, chills, bladder meridian; tonic
Hepar sulf. 30c
- RIPE ABSCESS: yellow discharge
- painful bronchitis, sinusitis
- NERVES, severe shooting pain, injury to sensitive tissue
- first degree BURNS
Ignatia 30c
Ipecac. 30c
- NAUSEA: gagging, retching, unproductive vomiting, with cough
- PUNCTURES: animal bites, objects, prevents TETANUS
Lycopodium 30c
Mag. Phos. 30c
- antispasmodic: CRAMPS, tension HA, tooth pain
Merc. viv. 30c
Natrum Muriaticum 30c
- DRY membranes, WATERY secretions, hayfever, colds
Nux vomica 12x
- EXCESSES: toxins, drugs, vegetable remedies, rich food, drink
Phosphorus 6c; 30c
- HEMORRHAGE: bright red, nose bleeds, surgery
- FEMALES; depression, PMS
- children: whiney with EAR ACHE
- bladder infection; from cold/wet
Rhus tox. 30c
- RUSTY GATE syndrome: joints inflamed
- stiff muscles after exercise: must keep moving
- ITCHY weeping rash; > heat
Ruta grav. 30c
- PERIOSTEUM: pain, trauma, shin splints, broken bone
Sepia 30c
- EMOTIONS: detachment, anger, irritable
- MENSTRUAL disorder; low back pain
Spongia tosta 30c
- dry irritated cough
Staphysagria 30c
- INJURY at all levels of being: surgery, rape
Sulphur 6c
- SKIN rashes, itch (pushes garbage out)
Ver. alb. 30c
- POISONING: cold fever and sweat; heart
- FLU: losing coherence or consciousness
- SPRAINS/STRAINS; sore muscles (linament/poultice: circulant)
CALENDULA (succus)
- BLEEDING cuts, abrasions (juice, tincture)
Capsicum (kitchen herb)
- (ear drops, tea, powder in socks: mucus membrane circulant)
- mix with goldenseal
Charcoal (capsules)
- POISONING (burnt toast and milk, activated charcoal, poultice, requa tabs; detox, absorptive surface area)
Cinnamon (kitchen herb)
- PAIN relief (tea; circulant, warming – internal, hemostatic)
- IMMUNE stimulant
Ginger root (kitchen herb)
- MOTION SICKNESS, NAUSEA OF PREGNANCY (ear drops; circulant, digestive, warming)
- combine with capsicum and garlic
HYDRASTIS (powder)
- MUCUS MEMBRANE: infection, ulcer (freeze-dried powder: tonic, bacteriostatic, hemostatic)
Hypericum (O)
- BURNS, wounds, sprains/strains (dressing)
Ipecac. (syrup)
- POISONING: induces vomiting (syrup: take with water)
Nettles (powder)
- HAY FEVER, UT disinfectant (freeze dried)
Slippery elm
- (use with capsicum, or hydrastis; nutritive, demulcent)
Wormwood and Aloe (#42 capsules)
- FOOD INTOLERANCE; acute pain or illness
- FLU, FEVER, UT (diaphoretic, diuretic)
Constitutional: once a day in acute or chronic (under supervision) conditions
Have wool blankets on hand to prevent chilling.
Lie in bed, on back, topless.
Lay 2 towels wrung out in hot water on the front of the body for 5 minutes, covering from hips to shoulders and also covered by wool blankets.
Replace the 2 towels with a single towel wrung out in cold water, and chilled in the freezer if necessary, for at least10 minutes, while covered with the blankets, removing the towel only when it has become warm.
Repeat, lying on front, placing towels on back.
- palm adds energy
- back of hand removes energy
- Blue end of spectrum act as ACUTE alterative: stimulates parasympathetic
- Blue-green (turquoise) = mu upsilon (D) (optional filter in parentheses adds a depressant effect: use when there is pain)
- HA – especially sinus
- Blue = upsilon (D)
- Indigo = upsilon omega (D)
- Violet = upsilon omega N (immune stimulant)
- Purple = delta omega
- Shock:
- Magenta = N (circulatory stabilizer)
- Scarlet (Ruby) = alpha omega (emotional equilibrator)
- Green = mu (physical balancer)
- Red end of spectrum is CHRONIC alterative: stimulates sympathetic
- Yellow-green (Lemon) = mu delta
- Yellow = theta
- Orange = delta S
- Red = alpha delta
- use own voice to find resonance to area
- MORA = amplification of harmonic and cancellation of disharmonic oscillations of body’s own energy
- acute: 1 second on/1 second off; low “H”; high “D bar”;
- shock, low vital force: 1/1; “A” high amplification
- caution with dental amalgam: increases Hg leeching; caution in handling: can depotentize homeopathics, such that high potencies above 18x or 9c cannot be repotentized except by radionics, MORA, etc.: advantage is penetration of focal and inflammatory fields
- Magnetosette = oscillating magnetic field
- Permanent Magnets:
- North pole: sedates, alkalizes (acute alterative)
- South pole: tonifies, acidifies (chronic alterative; don’t use in infection or tumors)
- black tourmaline: absorbs negative energy
- smokey quartz: absorbs radiation